Tips and Ideas for Midlife Career Changes

Not many of us love getting up for work on a Monday morning in winter. But if you’re starting to dread your alarm going off more often than not, perhaps it's time for a midlife career change.

There are a lot of reasons why people consider changing careers midlife. You might be tired of the 9-5 office grind, or your job might not offer the financial stability you expected. Or there may just be a different field that you're passionate about and want to work in.

Whatever the reason, if you’re not happy with your current job, now is the time to think about your second career. One that is more meaningful, uses your abilities and leaves you feeling fulfilled at the end of the day.

How to make a midlife career change

If midlife career changes are on your mind, there are a few questions you should ask yourself first.

  • Are you willing to start again?

Career changes at 40+ generally means starting at the bottom of the ladder, and you will probably be working for someone younger than yourself.

  • Are any of your skills relevant to your new career?

Some of the skills that you developed in your current career might be transferable to your new profession. Remember to highlight these in your resume and at your interview.

  • Do you need any qualifications?

You’ll probably need to do qualifications or training courses for your new career. Can you afford the cost of these, and fit them in around your existing work?

  • Can you afford to make a midlife career change?

Changing careers midlife could mean taking a break to re-qualify or starting on a lower salary. Do you have savings that you can use to plug the gap? If not, you may have to put your plans on hold while you build up a savings fund.

The best jobs for career changes at 40+

Some jobs aren’t suitable for changing careers midlife, maybe because they need too long to qualify or it’s a very competitive field.

But these are some jobs to consider if you’re looking for a new career after 40:

  • Personal Trainer

Becoming a fitness trainer is a great second career if you love helping others reach their health and fitness goals. You’ll find plenty of part-time and online courses to qualify as a personal trainer.

  • Dental Assistant

A dental assistant is responsible for preparing patients and assisting dentists during procedures. You’ll need an associate degree or Diploma but it takes less time to qualify than becoming a dentist.

  • Veterinary Technician

Becoming a Veterinary tech is an ideal career if you love animals. The duties are similar to the way a nurse helps a doctor, and you’ll need an associate degree for this career.

  • Cosmetology

Cosmetology is the application of hair and beauty treatments. You could specialize in skincare, haircare or many other areas and you’ll be able to work as an employee or in your own business. There are lots of training options available for this very flexible career choice.

  • Massage Therapist

As a massage therapist, you’ll help your patients to recover from injury and overcome stress. You’ll need a Diploma or certificate to do this job, and this is another career where you can work for yourself.

**I’d be happy to talk to you about my experience as a massage therapist. I’ve been a licensed practitioner for over a decade and have loads of stories to share…

There are lots of other jobs to consider if you’re planning a midlife career change.

Just follow your passion and you’ll be on the right path to career satisfaction.

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